- Mommy & Camilla reached the 30wk mark!
- Camilla's room officially began to take shape (& color!)
- Sophia started preschool
- Daddy got a new office at work (with a big ol' window)
So, now that I've hit the precious 30wk mark, that means only 10weeks to go (more like 9 now since I'm blogging so late in the week)! I couldn't be more excited about that milestone - things are really picking up pace now. Camilla is an active little booger and must still be breach. I can still feel her little noggin on my right side (where it was last week during 4D u/s) and I feel her kicking my bladder...giving me sudden urges to have to use the restroom...even if I haven't drank anything. Bizarro. As I relax and lay down, I always giggle when Camilla moves all around - it's this funny sweeping motion if you watch my belly....it's such a fun thing to watch. Sometimes feeling it can be uncomfy at best, but is so miraculous that discomfort goes to the wayside. However, the more discomfort I feel (I am definitely waddling) that just means Camilla is growing just as she should be. This week, Camilla should weigh almost 3lbs and stretch nearly 15.7 inches long! She's likely surrounded by a pint and half of amniotic fluid, but that will decrease in the next few weeks as she grows bigger. Her eyesight continues to develop, but isn't very keen - even after birth she'll keep her eyes closed the majority of the day. When they are open she'll respond to changes in light but will have 20/400 vision...meaning she can only make out objects a few inches from her face. I will continue to celebrate the dwindling day countdown (now about 66 days left)!!
Next up, we really made headway on Camilla's nursery. Last Saturday was spent working like a flipping dog/horse/mule....if it's a hard-working animal, I mimicked it! Rod and I were able to really concentrate on clearing out the remainder of stuff/junk - my MIL, Patricia, offered to keep Sophia on Saturday so that we could really focus....a HUGE thank you to her! We took several more items to Goodwill, stored the guest bed and sent my old desk and chair back to my parents. My Dad was a big help too in that he helped Rod haul alot of stuff around. Whew! My Mom even helped by taking some of the lavender bedding and picked out several paint samples for me to choose from - by days end I'd settled on Lilac Bisque. She went & got a tiny tryout, painted a posterboard and we taped it to the wall to determine if that was indeed the winner - it was. Woohoo!! By Saturday night, Rod and I were so ridiculously wiped out, I nearly fell asleep at dinner - oops!
My Dad had offered his awesome skills for handiwork and painting this week while we were gone at work - we're SO thankful! Dad came to install Camilla's chandelier on Monday and do some painting prep work. Tuesday he painted and I was thrilled to see the major transformation! Wednesday he touched up trimwork and started work on re-configuring Camilla's closet. Today brought the curtains going up and the closet re-configuration being completed! It looks so great I could sit in there and just stare! Dad is a saint and has taken her closet doors home to sand and re-paint...adding the new glass-knob hardware too. I'm so thankful that I have the best Dad in the entire world to do all that work for his granddaughter!!
I'll wash up Camilla's bedding this weekend as her furniture is being delivered on Saturday!! I'm completely beside myself on getting that all set. I'll also be sorting thru Sophia's baby clothes and washing up what's lasted over the past 3yrs and start putting that in Camilla's room. Yay!
Probably the biggest achievement this week was sweet Sophia's first day of big girl preschool! No more Mother's Morning Out in the baby/toddler wing - Sophia moved across the atrium at Frazer to the 3's, 4's and 5's wing! She attends 5 days a week from 8:30-12:30 and will stay until 2pm Tues-Thursday. She also has her own little desk, chair and red cup with her writing 'things'. Her teacher, Mrs. Thomas, is a wonderful lady who we love already. Thankfully, Sophia's friend from last year, Violet, is also in her class. Sophia will be learning how to write the ABC's, her numbers and learn to recognize them in & out of order and even learn to cut with scissors this year (yikes). She was SO excited to go back to school, that I thought it'd be a breeze the first day, despite the dramatic changes in routine/environment. I was in for it yesterady! Poor Sophia didn't want to put on her name badge necklace (policy), and was overwhelmed by all the buzz going on in the atrium upon arrival (parents, kids, photos being taken, etc., etc). She was in meltdown mode - uh, oh. I had to carry her all the way to her classroom and then we got to her little hallway where she told me "Mommy, I'm afraid", so I spent a good 10mins re-assuring her it was lots of fun and everyone is afraid on the first day. She hid behind me as I greeted the teacher and then proceeded to cry as Mrs Thomas took her into the classroom - I almost cried too as I felt so bad for her! My preggie hormones definitely didn't help. They only stayed and hour the first day and upon arrival to pick her up, I found out from Violet's parents that Violet did the same thing - whew. The two of them came bounding out hand in hand beaming about their first day....so luckily we got to snap photos on the first day, just like everyone else!
Candid of Sophia at her desk!
Sophia & Violet = happy preschoolers!
Our big girl preschooler!
Daddy also had a minor move at work this week - he's back over in the division for Regions he was when he started as there is some inter-company shifting going on - the upside to being shuffled around? A nice office with a view - however, Daddy said it gets awfully hot in the afternoon because he gets the afternoon sun in that big 'ol window....if that's the only downside, we just don't feel sorry for him yet!
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