Monday, August 23, 2010

The Look for Less!

I'm pretty proud of myself for being able to come up with less-expensive alternatives to fairly expensive home decor, etc. I subscribed to a bajillion magazines (Restoration Hardware, Pottery Barn: Kids, Teen, Outdoor, etc., etc.) - I get them all! I love looking through them and getting ideas and then I go out and see how/where I can get the "look for less". C'mon people, as the commercial says, I'm a "recessionista" and I'm not going to pay an arm and a leg for something someone wouldn't be able to tell the difference on! I find it ridiculous to pay some of these prices just for the name - especially when I can find it cheaper AND treat Sophia or our family to something fun with the money we saved! Anyhow, I compiled a little list of items we recently got that I discovered are pretty darn close to the 'designer' version:

The Look: Farmhouse Table & Chairs
Pottery Barn Kids
Small Table = $169 (large version = $219)
Set of 2 Chairs = $139 (not even 4 chairs!)
Total = $308 + tax/shipping!
*different colors/finishes available / chairs come as a set of 2 & avail. in selected colors

The Look for Less: by Kidkraft
Kid Kraft Nantucket Table & 4 Chairs
Total = $95 Sophia received this as a gift from Nana & Papa, and we have LOVED this table & chairs! It's perfect for little girls and is also available in primary colors for a boys room or more gender neutral area. You can even ship it from site-to-store and save shipping!

The Look: 5x7 Cottage Floral Rug

Pottery Barn Kids

Total = $229 (reg. $299) + shipping

*no longer available (too bad!)

Pottery Barn alternative: 5x8 Daisy Garden Rug
Total = $299 + shipping

Look for Less: Circo Floral Rug

Target (store & online)

Total = $79.99

We adore the Circo brand (Target house brand) rug and it goes PERFECT underneath Sophia's Kidkraft Nantucket table/chairs! It's super cute altogether and just makes the room so sweet. Sophia was so jazzed the day we got the rug too!

Lastly, is Camilla's window drapes hardware. We got hers at Bed Bath & Beyond, but I noticed that Pottery Barn Kids carried something very similar...don't be fooled! BB&B's version is so much cuter and it looks SO awesome in Camilla's room!

The Look: Daisy Finials

Pottery Barn Kids

48-88" rod

Total = $79 + shipping

Look for Less: Cambria Lily Glass Drapery Rod

Bed Bath & Beyond (stores & online)

48-84" rod

$39.99 (use a 20% BB&B coupon & save $8!)

Total = $31.99 + tax

The Lily Glass drapery rod from BB&B shown above is so beautiful and timeless, that it'll go with future decor & themes in Camilla's, we found some great coordinated glass knobs for Camilla's closet from Home Depot for $3.99 per knob. My next project is painting my own version of a beautiful 30x40" gallery canvas print called "Cherry Blossom" found in Pottery Barn Kids/Baby catalogs and online. It's such a stunning print, but rather than splurging the $250 + shipping, I figure I can tailor the colors more towards Camilla's lavender room and still get the same look by painting it myself. Now I feel confident in my skills as a painter to do it - plus, it's a design that can lend itself to what I call "intentional-artistic-error"...meaning it doesn't have to be exact. By shopping around for the blank canvas and then using some of the paints I have and purchasing a few others to make it complete, I'll come out cheaper than I would having had ordered it from PBKids/Baby! Plus, I'll be able to have a HUGE sense of accomplishment in knowing that I, Camilla's mommy, painted that big ol' thing special - just for her!

So, just know that there are ALWAYS more cost-effective options out there other than the gorgeous glossy magazines. I love to be inspired, but it's so much more gratifying (& easy on the pocketbook!) when you can find the look for LESS!

Cherry Blossom - 30"x40" gallery canvas - $250/Pottery Barn Kids

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