Saturday, January 17, 2009

Elmo's World

Yes, it seems to be Elmo's world & we are just living in it! Since last time, Christmas has come &'s been too long! Christmas this year was a fun time for our family as Sophia has grown up so much. She doesn't quite understand the 'buzz' around the holiday yet, but definitely knows something is 'up'. It was a 'no-go' on Santa this year (perhaps next won't be terrifying?) but adored the train at Eastdale Mall (& so did her Daddy!...more on that later). She loved going 'round & around on the little track & thought that was the best thing ever! One day Rod took her to the mall on his day off & as he was securing Sophia in one of the train cars, he was able to slip in with her! He sent photos of the little ride via cell phone...I couldn't believe I had two family members riding that train...a 21mos old & a 26yr old! Hilarious.

December was a busy time for us as we (the Schultz family & us)flew to VA Beach for my cousin Jaimie's (Schultz) wedding. So LOVES airports & airplanes - this was her 3rd time flying on a plane in less than a about a frequent flyer! She's a hoot as she waves to everyone else boarding the plane & loves coloring at her little tray-table on-board. She usually provides some cute in-flight entertainment & behaves very well. Whew! Thank goodness! The Schultz family in VA Beach really enjoyed meeting Sophia in person & we had a wonderful time @ Jaimie & Jeremy's wedding. I've decided I love a Christmas wedding! Poinsettias & amaryllis are seasonally abundant & gorgeous! It was a very quick trip (just 3 days) & we were back home.

Christmas Eve was fun as we spent it with the Lopez family. Usually, Patricia & Rafa (Rod's parents) put on an annual Christmas Eve Cocktail party at their house. This year, they decided to forego the event as Patricia was flying to her brother's wedding in Colombia on Christmas Day. So, with the family gathered we had wonderful paella & opened gifts. Traditionally, the youngest family member passes out the gifts to all the that meant Sophia had a big job! With a bit of assistance & direction she accomplished the task! However, her crush, Devon (Tia Gabby's boyfriend) was there & so she felt Devon deserved ALL the gifts! Ha! We snapped LOTS of cute photos on Christmas Eve! Sophia certainly made out like a bandit that night! All things 'Elmo' decended upon her & our house that night! She loved the Elmo telephone/answering machine from Gabby...& Devon even recorded a sweet message for her that makes her giggle & blush! Then Steve & Becky (uncle/aunt from Miami) aka "the Miami Santa" gave her the 'Elmo's Restaurant'....she is actually cooking up something as I write! She loves playing 'chef' & will point to where she wants you to sit & go girl! We giggle as whatever you order up, she'll always 'eat' it first, then give to you...guess she's a big fan of taste-testing! Ha!

Christmas morning, Sophia was up & at ' we took her into the living room & watched her open up her gifts from Santa. It was so much fun, except when she decided she was not even remotely interested in the new presents & decided to open up her toy box full of 'old' toys instead! We could only laugh. Once we opened up Elmo Live, she started to get into the spirit...she danced, blew kisses & hugged her new friend. Then she raced her new cars all over the living room & played with her little doll house. After the initial excitement subdued, we were all ready to head to Nana & Papa's (my parents) house to celebrate Christmas. After some yummy honeybaked ham, potatoes, jell-o, green bean casserole & more we opened gifts. Sophia was so exhausted from the previous activities & opening gifts at our house, she crashed in the car en route to Nana & Papa's! Sophia napped while visited & started eating. It's also tradition at our house for the youngest to distribute gifts, so since Sophia was napping, it was my job to distribute! Just as we finished up opening up our gifts, Sophia awoke & was able to open hers. She got some very sweet gifts from her grandparents, uncle & great grandmother. We had a wonderful time & can't wait for next year!

All in all, Christmas was a success for us this year & extra fun to watch our little girl! It's hard to think that next Christmas Sophia will be on the verge of turning 3!! Where DOES the time go?!

We're grateful that MDO has started back up & a major blessing that a spot opened up for an extra 2 days a week! Sophia absolutely adores going to school to hug her teachers, play with her friend Abby, be silly. She runs as fast as her little legs will go to get to the front door of Frazer & into her classroom. She squeals going down her hallway & right to the classroom door where the 2 sweetest teachers in the world light up when they see her & scoop her up with affection. They are such a blessing her little life! We were even able to sign her up for 5 days a week next fall! She'll go in the mornings all 5 days next Fall & we don't doubt she'll absolutely thrive!

Sophia is growing by leaps & bounds, chattering new words all the time & becoming so smart...that little girl does not miss a single beat. We are hoping to take her to the Georgia Aquarium this spring in Atlanta to show her all the fishies BIG and small!

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