Friday, January 30, 2009

This is how we roll...

So the past week or so has really cracked me up in regards to little things Sophia will do. She's a total copy-cat these days, so anything you do, she'll do too. She's always had a soft-spot in her heart for cell phones (as any girl does!) & so I caught this photo of her one day last weekend eating lunch...while pretend-gabbing to Ava on my old cell phone...we are in big trouble in the future. Oh, disregard the ridiculous mess on the kitchen table...I simply didn't wear my 'cleaning' pearls that day...ha!

Also, she's been a real stitch during tub-time...she has a plethora of Crayola tub markers & crayons...check out the tub walls...just know that no matter how much they stress it's 'washable'...that junk sticks to grout like white on rice! I just cringe thinking about having to re-do this bathroom whenever we sell the house down the road. In the meantime, I let the art-eest scribble her heart out!

It just cracks me up to think how many hilarious things she must do/say throughout the course of the day that I miss out because I'm a full-time working mom...although, she does save some real gems for me on the weekend!

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