Saturday, April 24, 2010

Come Hell or High Point...

Actually, I took both this past week - I made my seasonal spring trip for work to the High Point furniture market in High Point NC. I love being a buyer for the store I work at, but sometimes it can take it's toll when you're missing your family. The benefit this time was that it offered this preggo some great walking exercise & fresh air (vs. Atlanta's market that is indoors in a few big bldgs). Leaving last Sunday & coming back on Wednesday made me miss my sweet family. However, I think they had quite a bit of fun without Mommy around this past week! Sunday was spent over at Lopez's where Rod, Sophia & Uncle YaYa (Rod's brother, Javier) washed Abuelito's (Rafa, Rod's Dad) cars - Sophia had SO much fun getting soapy & wet! Later that evening Rod, Sophia & Javier were the cook's in Patricia's kitchen...they sent me photos of their delicious creation (flounder in parchment paper) - meanwhile, I settled for a mediocre quesadilla in High Point - ha!

Chef Sophia preparing the flounder

It's all in the details!

Sophia & Javier cleaning Rafa's baby

The week progressed & I came home on Wednesday evening - whew! I was really looking forward to unpacking, & crawling into my own bed. Everything was great until body just 'woke up' and was wide awake until 3:30am! I tried desperately that whole time to go back to sleep, but if I didn't have a sleeping husband & child, I would've been up vacuuming or cleaning. That's just sad. However, I did try to 'exhaust' my eyes by facebooking it, going on twitter,,, etc. I even went onto YouTube & watched funny music videos of some of my fave tunes. Finally I was tired enough to get some zzz's...until my alarm rattled me at 5:45am. This wasn't going to be a pretty day to say the least.

I arrived at work to a barrage of voicemails & emails to catch up on (sigh). Then I had to crank up the creative juices to design two ads for the newspaper, update our website & put together our store e-blast. I was doomed. It wasn't helping my cause that I was SO hormonal & emotional either...I was teary-eyed over everything! Finally I took a break to go home for some lunch - while home, I couldn't even get into my fave channel surfed as I put my feet up. I came across Pride & Prejudice on VH1...some sad music was playing & that is all she wrote...I was bawling. Over that?! Yep. I simply went with it - after, I did feel better. Ugh. These hormones can SHOVE IT. I deemed Thursday the "Hormonal Day from Hell" - it was that bad. The afternoon came & went relatively quickly - then we spent the evening having dinner at Lopez's (thank goodness we didn't have to cook - what HUGE treat!). As usual, Patricia had a delicious meal ready & waiting - thanks!

Friday arrived (TGIF) & the day was a complete 180 from Thursday - Rod even surprised me by sending me flowers at work! He said he felt bad that I had had such a horrible day on Thursday & that he hoped the flowers would help make up for it - boy, did they ever! Truth be told that when Rosemont delivered them, the guy asked me what the occasion was & I said, "No occasion, but now I'm wondering what my husband did that I don't know about yet"! HA!

Thanks Rod for the beautiful surprise!

I was even able to spend the afternoon with my sweet Sophia running errands after my mom treated me to lunch at Panera (I totally had a happy plate! Thanks Mom!). Rod then met up with us girls & we all went to Kabuki for dinner. Sophia was definitely not a fan of the big fire fanfare, but got over it when the hostess supplied her majesty with a sucker! We had a dud for a cook (no flare), but had a good meal, so whatever. We were stuffed after leaving, and headed home to settle into bed. I was wondering how in the world I was going to be able to get up & meet my mom for a class at the gym in the morning after all I ate...we shall see how that goes (as I am meeting her shortly!). Today will be an indoors sort of day as we're supposed to get lots of bad weather...looks like I'll be ironing today. Bummer.

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