Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Sophia's 1st Haircut!

Can you believe we have NEVER cut a hair on this child's head until now? She just turned 3 on March 28th....not one little hair has ever been snipped...until Sunday April 11th! Sophia has had the most gorgeous tendril curls ever since her 1st birthday - the kind you can't help but twist your finger around & gently pull - just to see it bounce back up! However, we knew it was getting to be that time to give it a healthy trim. It was getting so long that it was becoming unruly to comb in the mornings & a pain at bathtime (when wet, it would cascade clear past her lower back onto her two little hams!). So, as I updated the blog on Sunday, I asked her if she wanted Mommy to give her a haircut - she agreed! We'd hesitated on taking her to a salon, for fear that she wouldn't cooperate...and really not like all the attention that a first haircut garners in a roomfull of ladies. So, I told her that if she could sit in the kitchen chair very still & watch tv, Mommy would give her a haircut. She was totally jazzed! She helped me set up the chair & the towels to sit on, getting the spray bottle, combs & scissors. She happily watched Garfield as I snipped away. Only after I was finished did I get a little sad - those long beautiful curls were gone. But that quickly vanished as Sophia was oh-SO proud of her new 'big-girl' haircut! We scooped all of the hair into a baggie & then taped one of the best curls onto a piece of paper to document the occasion. I measured the cut hair & discovered I had cut 4 3/4 inches off!! I was stunned! Her hair still looks long, but is considerably shorter. She adores it. Thankfully, after a bath, the wave & curls popped back (which made me happy) and she was swishing her hair around all day! What a hoot!

Sophia with locks on the floor!

Showing off her newly cut hair

Mommy reads this & weeps!

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