Wednesday, November 25, 2009

C is for Cookie!

And cookies are for ME! During our little Publix shopping trip (see older post below), I asked Sophia if she'd like to help me make some cookies, & she was right on board with that idea! I went simple (Mom, cover your eyes...) it was the Pillsbury Ready-to-bake 24pk of cookies. Gasp! My mother has the BEST chocolate chip cookie recipe that she knows by heart (I was a chubby girl growing up, wonder why?) and she passed the delish recipe down to me. However, involving a 2.5yr old in measuring flour, sugar, etc. is a disaster I just wasn't prepared to handle that day. HA! Sophia loved putting on her little apron, & standing up on her little chair to help me place the cookie dough onto the cookie sheet - this was a perfect little project for her age! I'd break them apart & let her place them however she wanted to on the cookie sheet...they all ended up in a wandering mamba-style line! So then we counted off 3 cookies to go in the top row, then 3 more for the next row & so on. I couldn't believe that I was teaching her basic math...I may have broken out in hives as I've declared with pride before - I'm just too cute for math! It was my worst subject growing up. Let's hope she has better luck...sigh, I digress. We finished up the first cookie sheet & I placed them in the oven. We watch them in the oven window "grow" & then she wanted them out to taste one. After they cooled, she got to sink her little teeny tiny teeth into the gooey cookie (& so did I)...they were delish! We had so much fun doing our little project together!

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