Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Meet Charlie...

We're very happy to welcome little Charlie, our happy little magical scout elf all the way from the North Pole!

Today I decided to pick up "Elf on the Shelf" from the store (SH&G)...Rod & I decided that this was the year to start Sophia on the tradition! I learned of EOTS last year at market (2008) when I made my semi-annual voyage in January. It's the most clever little idea that is making someone very, very rich. It's one of those products that you slap your forehead thinking, "that's so smart - why didn't I think of that!?". We bought them for all 3 stores last year & sold out FAST! I almost got one last year, but figured Sophia was still just too young to really 'get it'. I knew that her little imagination was just right to handle it now. For example, she'll have pretend phone conversations on her little phones, or cook something for an imaginary customer at her little kitchen. Timing was perfect this year. So, I trotted home with EOTS in hand & couldn't wait til the bedtime routine kicked in! The great thing about EOTS is that not only do you get the little elf in the box, but it comes with a CUTE story book that you read to your kids that explains the whole thing. It's precious. Felt bad as Rod missed out b/c he's sick. Sophia got decked out in her little 'Santa's Helper' pj's (c'mon people, it's time to festive!) & she crawled into my lap to read the story. Her little eyes lit up with every page. After much deliberation, we settled on the name "Charlie" for our little elf. After tucking Sophia in, Rod & I went to work on finding Charlie a little place to hang out...can't wait to watch Sophia find him in the morning! Tee hee...

Here's the general jist of EOTS: the special scout elf was sent by Santa to keep watch on your kids' behavior. Each night after they go to sleep, the elf flies back to the North Pole to report the behavior to Santa. By the time the kids awake, the elf is back 'home' in your house. The idea is that the parents or grandparents move the elf to a different spot in the house each night, so the children can get up to find the elf...the elf can be dangling from the chandelier, sitting on the mantle, clinging to a picture frame, etc. Maybe he's even sitting in one of the kids toy cars/trucks...the possibilities are endless. However, the trick is that the kids cannot touch the elf, otherwise, he'll lose his magic. In order for the elf to come to 'life' with magic, the kids must choose a name for the elf & whisper it to the elf (not too close though!). EOTS has a whole website that you can register the elf's name, get a certificate, etc. You can even play games, tour the N. Pole, make cookies for Santa - the site is FABULOUS! Sophia particularly likes the Elf Registry area as we pretend to ride down the slide (it's an animated little site). Each ride was complete with our arms up in the air saying, "WEEEEE!"!

I highly recommend going to Southern Homes & Gardens to pick up your own little elf!

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