Sunday, November 8, 2009

Meeska, Mouska, Mickey Mouse!

Our whole family couldn't wait for October 18th, when we'd all go down to the MPAC to see Playhouse Disney Live! on tour...we'd been pumping up the big day for awhile to Sophia. It was her chance to see all the characters of her favorite morning Disney programs - Little Einsteins, My Friends Tigger & Pooh, Handy Manny & of COURSE Mickey Mouse Clubhouse with all the main characters! It was so funny that here we were taking our 2.5yr old to see these characters & thinking she was really excited, but the level of excitement in the theater completely changed when Mickey Mouse came onstage - young or old, it was like we were all 5 again - it was pure magic...and the faces of our kids were truly priceless! We attended the event with our partner family in crime, the Crimi's. Ava & Sophia had fun giggling & 'talking' about the characters sitting on their daddies laps - meanwhile Monica & I served as the family historians snapping the family memories. The girls had a blast (& so did we!)...Sophia even wore her upcoming Halloween costume, Minnie Mouse - sans ears...that just wasn't gonna happen. We had to even bribe her with M&M's to wear it - if you think you're above bribes, just become a parent & you'll quickly understand why we do it! Sophia was jazzed at the whole experience & even walked away with a new Mickey Mouse plush animal!

It was well-worth the investment & I believe the next time the show comes to the 'area' is next spring to Birmingham...we highly recommend it! The show was great as the adult people dressed in character, but they lip-synched to the chilren's voice from the show...this kept it as close to the show as possible as the kids recognized the characters by sight & voice. It was an interactive show where the kids helped the character by shouting answers to questions, etc. Lots of fun! We even got to do the Hot Dog dance with the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse gang - yay!

After our trip, Rod was set on whisking Sophia off to Disney World next spring, but I said 'not so fast'...I think we still have another year before it's worth THAT sort of investment - HA!

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