Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Uncommon Finch

One of my dear Sigma Kappa sisters in my pledge class from Auburn emailed several of us girls last week & shared the link to her newest baby, The Uncommon Finch - it's her line of gorgeous handmade jewelry. After perusing the site, I was blown away! I had no idea that she had this sort of talent, but her pieces are amazing! This newest venture was born out of the poor economy where she was an accomplished architect & was laid off - she struggled & prayed for the right door to open (meanwhile downsizing & working several other jobs to make ends meet). She even began taking metalsmithing classes to learn to work metal into fine was always a big part of who Catherine was (& is!), but we're all so proud of her for making something so beautiful out of a very dark period of her life! She has several lines that she's started (with very clever titles) & there is truly something there for everyone ranging from simplistic to exotic in earrings, necklaces, bracelets & more. She's just launched her site, so please take the time to check it may just find something fabulous for your friend or even for yourself. She'll even make custom pieces...& that's a good thing, because I've got a few ideas up my sleeve for her!

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